Hunter Gatherer Immersion Information & Application

We are now accepting applications for the 2017 - 2018 Hunter Gatherer Year!

Applying for Hunter Gatherer Year is simple and there is no commitment.
We welcome applications even if you are just considering the program and want to learn more.
Your application begins an in-depth conversation with us about the program to better inform your choice.

The application usually takes less than 10 minutes.

For financial aid and scholarship awards, we give priority to earlier applicants.

If you have any questions at anytime in the process, feel free to contact us.

Contact Us

Application Information

*Required Fields

Tell us a little about yourself:

Your Goals

Let us know if you would ever be interested in applying for any of the following positions with Trackers Earth.

Note: It is helpful to know which students have an Outdoor Education and Forest School focus so we can assist with their career goals. Remember, this program is not a requirement of employment nor does it guarantee a job with Trackers. Employment with Trackers Earth is a separate application process.

Program Skills

Explore the program.

Program Info

Dates, location and more.


Schedule a conversation with us.
