Basket Making Basics

This course introduces to the basics of baskets weaving and crafting.

Containers, baskets, rank among the most essential tools for both Forest and Folk Craft. Whether woven or folded, thoughtful crafting can result in a very useful basket that lasts a lifetime or more.


The basketmaker has a deep relatinoship with his or her materials. The basket begins by how the harvest grows. We cover both useful materials for your specific project along with thoughtful and sustainable harvest through a skillset and philosophy of land restoration we call the Wilders Garden. Many material harvests can help reduce invasive species.

Weaving & Folding

The weave of any basket helps craft its function and is a mix of materials and the experience of the weaver. Many themes in this course focus on specific weaves for various materials and different uses. Folded baskets come from bark and other flat, pliable materials. They are can be both simple and complex to craft. Folded baskets are often easily sealed to carry water.

Basics Basket Making Basics 1-day, prerequisite: none—We cover the principles and uses for both weavon and folded baskets. You begin work on your choice of baskets from available materials.

Specialty English Ivy Basket 1-day, prerequisite: none—English ivy can be a strong and pliable basketmaking material. It is also considered an invasive species in our area. We cover how to optimize harvest and material management to insure the spread of ivy is reduced while restoring diversity of our natural areas.

Specialty Folded Cedar Bark Basket 1-day, prerequisite: none—Western red cedar is one of the keystone plants for Forest Craft in the Pacific Northwest. Baskets crafted from their folded bark can be sealed watertight with pitch–making them highly useful for wilderness living.
